Research by four QED alumni and a PhD candidate earn graduate research awards.


The dissertations by Stephen Snudden and Andrea Craig received the Curtis and Scarthingmoor prizes, respectively.  Stephen is Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier and Andrea is Assistant Professor at the University of Windsor.

Two MA research essays shared the 2018 Scarthingmoor Prize:  Stephanie Renaud and  Katarina Wasielewski.  Stephanie is currently at the Bank of Canada. Katarina is enrolled in the Queen’s JD program.

Eliane Hamel Barker won the inaugural Urqhardt Prize for her second year paper.

Links to the award winning research are below.

Household Return Heterogeneity in the United State


This thesis provides empirical evidence on heterogeneity in returns on wealth among U.S. households. Chapter 1 provides a summary of how return heterogeneity has been theoretically and quantitatively shown to be necessary in explaining wealth inequality. It discusses the limited empirical evidence driven primarily by a lack of adequate panel data on household returns. Chapter 2 presents a new method to construct panel data on household-level rates of return in the United States using the newly revised Panel Study of Income and Dynamics (PSID) data.