Gregor W. Smith is a Professor of Economics at Queen's University. He has held visiting appointments at Princeton University (as a Fulbright Fellow), the University of Toronto, and the University of British Columbia and has been a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. He serves on the Board of Directors of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Professor Smith’s published research is in empirical macroeconomics, international macroeconomics, and economic history. He is a past president of the Canadian Economics Association and a former co-editor of the Journal of International Economics and of the Canadian Journal of Economics. He held a Bank of Canada Research Fellowship from 2006 to 2015.
Smith received a BA in History from Queen's University, an MA with Honours in Economics from the University of St. Andrews, and an M.Phil. and D.Phil. in Economics from Oxford University, which he attended as a Rhodes Scholar.
Measuring the Slowly Evolving Trend in US Inflation with Professional Forecasts (with James M. Nason). Journal of Applied Econometrics (2021) 36, 1-17.
Testing the Present-Value Model of the Exchange Rate with Commodity Currencies (with Michael B. Devereux) Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2021) 53, 589-596.
The All-Gap Phillips Curve (with James McNeil) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2023) 85, 269-282.
UK Inflation Dynamics since the Thirteenth Century (with James M. Nason) International Economic Review (2023) 64, 1595-1614.
US Fiscal Policy Shocks: Proxy-SVAR Overidentification via GMM (with Allan W. Gregory and James McNeil) Journal of Applied Econometrics (2024) 39, 607-619.