Important Dates and Information

  • May 13-24: First Year students request Program/Plan on SOLUS (drop down menu "other academics"). Upper year students request program/plan change on the Arts/Sci website.
  • June 17  (2019-20): Course Timetable available on SOLUS. Do not load courses to your shopping cart as they will be erased until the access date of July 8th when you may view your appointment and start loading courses to your shopping cart. Don't forget this does not save your place in classes and you need to still enroll at your designated appointment time.
  • July 15-24: Course Selection on SOLUS according to year and time appointment start time (you can continue to access registration to the end of the course selection dates).July 26-August 2 - Open Enrollment Class Selection II: 15 units per term limit enforced.
  • Automatic admission into economics plans requires a grade of C in first year ECON and overall GPA above 1.9. Pending students only require a pass in first year ECON and overall GPA of 0.7. To be considered for admission into the PPE plan students must have at least a B- in first year ECON, a cumulative GPA above 1.9 and completion of the prerequisites for PPEC 200.
  • Upper-year students who wish to change programs/plan should go to the Arts/Sci website for instructions.
  • Second year students who took calculus in high school, but have not completed 6.0 units of first year calculus can take Math 121or 126 as a co-requisite with second year core courses (Econ 212, 222, 250). Second year students without high school calculus should take Math 126 as a co-requisite with ECON 212, 222 and 250 but NOT Econ 255, which should be taken in fall of third year. For all second year students without first year calculus, Econ 255 must be taken in fall of third year because first year calculus is a prerequisite. Experience says if taking second year core theory concurrently with calculus, it is best to take Econ 212 in winter term as it uses calculus extensively and assumes a working knowledge of calculus.
  • Students must obtain a minimum grade of C (2.0 gpa) in ECON 212, 222, 250 (or stat 263) in order to take the next level of core theory courses.
  • First Year Arts/Sci students can drop by the UG Office (Dunning 221) to speak with an Economics Adviser and ask program-specific questions. You can also make an appointment with Prof. Ian Cromb, Economics Undergraduate Chair.


How do the Economics (ECON) and Applied Economics (APEC) plans offered by the Department differ? Compared with the traditional major concentration in Economics, the Applied Economics plan shifts focus towards empirical applications in business, finance and policy analysis. APEC offers more advanced empirical courses and additional scope for students to include upper-year courses taught by the Queen's School of Business. The Economics and Applied Economics plans thus provide equally rigorous but slightly different programs of instruction in modern economic analysis. For more information on the undergraduate plans, please contact the Undergraduate Office.


Fourth Year Seminars

A seminar in Economics is required to graduate from any BAH Major in ECON or APEC and BAH Medial in ECONxxxx.

ECON/APEC students need a minimum ECON GPA of 2.6 as a prerequisite for a seminar.

Starting in the July seminars for next year will be listed on the timetable for 2020-2021.