Term: Fall

ECON 484 F: Inequality, Markets and Regulation

Instructor: Mons Chan
Term: Fall
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

This seminar course will focus on topics related to inequality, competition, market power and regulation.

ECON 492 F: Economic Catastrophes

Instructor: Frank Milne
Term: Fall
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

This seminar will explore the history and causes of various social and economic catastrophes.

ECON 494 F: Environmental and Climate Policies

Instructor: Seyedmajid Hashemi
Term: Fall
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

This seminar focuses on the economic evaluation of environmental and climate policies in Canada and other countries worldwide.

Term: Winter

ECON 483 W: Seminar in Microeconomics (Health).

Instructor: Ugurhan Berkok
Term: Winter
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

Healthcare provision emerges under mixed and regulated systems.

ECON 491 W: Seminar in Macroeconomics.

Instructor: Mike Kennedy
Term: Winter
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

The world economy in 2008-09 experienced its most severe recession since the Second World War.