Undergraduate Contacts
Chair of Undergraduate Studies:
Michael Barber
Dunning Hall Room 347
Acting Undergraduate Assistant/Academic Advisor:
Morgan Wilson
Dunning Hall Room 208
Distribution Centre Dunning 334
Please be quiet while in the 3rd Floor hallways.
You must show your valid student card in order to pick up your work.
You should use the same name on your coursework as appears on your student card.
For group-work assignments, you must know the last name of the first person listed (this is how they are filed).
Distribution Centre Hours: Winter Term 2025
Weekday | Hours | Closed |
WEDNESDAYS | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm |
Closed after 2:00 pm |
PLEASE NOTE: Wednesday January 29, 2025 the office will be open from 1 - 5 pm instead of 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.
10:00 am - 12:30 pm 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Closed 12:30 - 2:00pm Closed after 3:30 pm
Department of Economics Grading Policy
The Department of Economics follows the Faculty of Arts and Science Grading Policy.
Virtually all undergraduate economics courses use the "numbers in - letters out" approach described in the Faculty policy. Some undergraduate economics courses that rely heavily on writing assignments (the economic history courses, for example) may use the "letters in - letters out" approach described in the Faculty policy. Find out more.
Electronic Plagiarism Checking (turnitin)
As part of the Department's policy regarding academic integrity, students are required to submit an electronic copy of their paper when they submit a printed copy for grading. BOTH are required.
If you are unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, as part of the Arts/Sci Academic Integrity Policy, take a look at the document "Avoiding Plagiarism" on the Writing Centre website. The Queen's Writing Centre is a great resource to help you improve your writing skills to prepare for jobs or further education.
Also, review Arts and Science Regulation 1 on Academic Integrity, which includes submitting the same piece of work in more than one course, buying or selling term papers, etc., as outlined in the 2010-11 calendar.
Instructions (Winter 2022)
- Attach an electronic copy of your paper to an e-mail message & send it to the relevant e-mail address (as listed below). ONE file ONLY.
- FILENAME: should be lastname_firstinitial_student number. Example: Razmataz_M_4224242pdf.
- SUBJECT LINE: Full name and student number. Example: Razmataz_Maria_4224242
- The electronic copy of your paper can be in any of the following formats (MS-Word, Wordperfect, Postscript, PDF, HTML, RTF, Plain text, PPT, PPTX, PPS an HWP)
- You will be contacted ONLY if we have not received your paper or if it is not in a compatible format.
Winter Courses | E-mail Address |
ECON 480 | econ480papers@econ.queensu.ca |
If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please contact Elvira Posthumus at pachecoe@queensu.ca. Questions regarding policy contact the Undergraduate Studies Assistant, Roda Mendoza, rm190@queensu.ca, Dunning 221, Phone: 533-2296, or the Chair, Ian Cromb crombi@econ.queensu.ca.