- 2013 Kenneth Wolpin
- Aligning Learning Incentives of Students and Teachers: Results from a Social Experiment in Mexican High Schools
- 2012 James Poterba
- Economic Policy Challenges of an Aging Population
- 2011 Pinelopi Goldberg
- Incomplete Exchange Rate Pass-through and Pricing-to-Market: A Micro Perspective
- 2010 Frank Diebold
- Real-Time Macroeconomic Monitoring
- 2009 Paul Milgrom
- Winning Play in a Spectrum Auction: Economic Secrets Revealed
- 2008 Bengt Holmstrom
- Corporate Governance in Context
- 2007 Michael Woodford
- Does Money Matter for the Conduct of Monetary Policy?
- 2006 Peter Howitt
- Policies for Economic Growth
- 2005 Richard Blundell
- How Revealing is Revealed Preference? Understanding Consumer Rationality and Consumer Choices
- 2002 Barry Eichengreen
- The Great Depression: Lessons from an Earlier Era of Financial and Political Uncertainty
- 2002 Dale Mortensen
- Wage Dispersion: Why Are Similar Workers Paid Differently?
- 1999 Richard Epstein
- Defending NeoClassical Economics from its Modern Critics: A Law and Economics Perspective
- 1998 Charles Plott
- Economics as an Experimental Science: Rational Behaviour and the Laws of Competitive Markets
- 1997 Douglass North
- The Wealth of Nations
- 1996 Maurice Obstfeld
- Open Economy Macroeconomics and Policy: Recent Developments
- 1994 Martin Shubik
- The History and Theory of Money and Financial Institutions
- 1993 Claudia Goldin
- The Meaning of College in the Lives of American Women: The Past One-Hundred Years
- 1991 Brian Arthur
- Learning and Adaptation in the Economy
- 1990 Thomas Schelling
- Meeting the Greenhouse Challenge
- 1989 Gary Becker
- The Economic Contest Between Capitalism and Communism
- 1988 Robert Barro
- The Ricardian Approach to Budget Deficits
- 1987 David Hendry
- Econometrics in Action
- 1987 Robert Fogel
- Slavery and the Redemption of American Scholarship: The Cliometric Contribution
- 1986 Robert Lucas, Jr.
- On the Mechanics of Economic Development
- 1984 Vernon Smith
- Experimental Economics
- 1984 Lester Thurow
- 1983 John Helliwell
- Stagflation and Productivity Decline in Canada, 1974-1982
- 1982 James Tobin
- The Monetary-Fiscal Policy Mix in the United States
- 1980 Franco Modigliani
- A New Look at the Monetary Mechanism
- 1979 Robert Solow
- Alternative Approaches to Macroeconomic Theory: A Partial View
- 1978 Martin Feldstein
- Domestic Savings and International Capital Flows
- 1977 Kenneth Arrow
- Risk Allocation and Information: Some Recent Theoretical Developments
- 1976 Anthony Atkinson
- Optimal Taxation and the Direct Versus Indirect Tax Controversy
- 1975 Richard Caves
- The Political Economy of Tariff Structures
Public Lecture Series