If you are returning next Fall as a fourth-year student and intend to complete your degree in one of our Honours plans, please read the information and complete the short form below.

Deadline to complete this form is June 15.  We will use the information you provide to generate an email list of all Economics students.

Important: You cannot register for the required ECON seminar on SOLUS.


ECON and APEC Students

  • Complete the form below.
  • You must meet the requirements and prerequisites to be enrolled in the mandatory Seminar course (3 units). 
  • We will assess your 30 unit economics GPA to determine if you meet the minimum requirement of 2.6 and have completed at least 310 and 351 prior to selecting a seminar.
  • If eligible, you will receive an email with the seminar selection form in late June.

Medial Students

  • Complete the form below
  • Medial students must meet their requirements to enrol in the mandatory Seminar course.
  • Medial students' assessments are based on best 18 units of economics and completion of one of 310, 320, or 351, along with eligibility in their other subject plan.
  • If eligible, you will receive an email with the seminar selection form in late June.

PPEC Students

  • Complete the form below.
  • PPEC students will automatically be enrolled into the PPEC 400 seminar