Selected Publications
- "Optimal prize allocation in contests: The role of negative prizes," (with Bin Liu, Jingfeng Lu and Jun Zhang), Journal of Economic Theory, 175, 291–317, 2018.
- "A network-city model of spatial competition," (with Tao Wang), Economics Letters 170, 168–170, 2018.
- "Scarce human resources and equilibrium industry structure," (with Huasheng Song and Jianliang Ye), Journal of Economics, 124, 99–119, 2018.
- "Limited Liability and High Bids in English Auctions," (with Tao Wang), The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 18, 2018.
- "Goodwill Can Hurt: A theoretical and experimental investigation of return policies in auctions," (with Bram Cadsby, Ninghua Du and JunZhang), Games and Economic Behavior, 99, 224–238, 2016.
- "Amenities and spatial talent distribution: evidence from the Chinese IT industry," (with Huasheng Song and Min Zhang), Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 9, 517–533, 2016.
- "Optimal Mechanism Design with Resale via Bargaining," (with Jun Zhang), Journal of Economic Theory, 148, 2096–2123, 2013.
- “Strategic Buybacks of Sovereign Debt,” (with Jacek Prokop), Frontiers of Economics in China, 7(1), 1-21, 2012.
- "Listing Prices as Signals of Quality in Markets with Negotiation," Journal of Industrial Economics, 59(2), 321-341, 2011.
- "Coalition Formation in the Presence of Continuing Conflict," (with Guofu Tan), International Journal of Game Theory, 39, 273-299, 2010.
- "Switching Costs in Infinitely Repeated Games," (with Bart Lipman), Games and Economic Behavior, 66, 292-314, 2009.
- "The Role of Information Revelation in Elimination Contests," (with Jun Zhang), Economic Journal, 119, 613-641, 2009.
- "A Note on Redistributive Fairness and Economic Reform," (with Anna Rubinchik), Journal of Development Economics, 86, pp.447-452, 2008.
- “The Optimal Consumption and the Quitting of Harmful Addictive Goods," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 7: Iss. 1 (Contributions), Article 15, 2007. Available at:
- “Market Design with Correlated Valuations," (with Yongmin Chen), Economica, Vol.73, 659-672, 2006
- "Equilibrium Selling Mechanisms," (with Yongmin Chen), Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol.5, 335-355, 2004.
- "A Model of Competing Selling Mechanisms," (with Yongmin Chen), Economics Letters, Vol.85, No.2, 151-155, 2004.
- "The Dynamics of Firms in the Presence of Adjustment Costs," Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol.2, No.2, 353-377, November 2001.
- "Optimal Pricing Strategy for Durable-Goods Monopoly," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol.25(5), 789-804, 2001.
- "Separating Equilibria in Bargaining Models with Two-Sided Uncertainty," International Journal of Game Theory, Vol.29, 229-240, 2000.
- “Switching Costs in Frequently Repeated Games,” (with Barton Lipman) Journal of Economic Theory, 93, 149-190, 2000.
- "Bidding and Renegotiation in Procurement Auctions," European Economic Review, Vol.44, No.8, 1577-1597, 2000.
- “More on Phantom Bidding,” (with Parimal Bag and Emin Dinlersoz), Economic Theory, Vol.15, No.3, 701-707, 2000.
- “Learning Buyers’ Valuation Distribution in Posted-Price Selling,” (with Yongmin Chen), Economic Theory, Vol.14, No.2, 417-428, 1999.
- "Strategic Invasion in Markets with Switching Costs," (with Quan Wen), Journal of Economics and Management Strategies, Vol.7, No.4, 521-549, Winter 1998.
- "Auctions versus Posted-Price Selling: The Case of Correlated Private Valuations," Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol.31, No.2, 395-410, 1998.
- "Probation, Layoffs and Wage-Tenure Profiles: A Sorting Explanation," (with Andrew Weiss), Labour Economics, Vol.5, No.3, 359-383, September 1998.
- "Competition, Wage Commitments and Application Fees," Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 15, No. 1, 124-142, January 1997.
- "Simultaneous Auctions with Synergies and Common Values," (with Robert Rosenthal), Games and Economic Behavior, Vol.17, 32-55, 1996.
- "Bargaining versus Posted-Price Selling," European Economic Review, Vol.39, No.9, 1747-1764, December 1995.
- "Auctions versus Posted-Price Selling," American Economic Review, Vol. 83, No. 4, 838-851, September 1993.
- "An Explanation of Inefficiency in Markets and A Justification for Buy-and-Hold Strategies," (with Robert Rosenthal), Canadian Journal of Economics, XXVI, No.3, 609-624, 1993.
- "Strategic Behavior in Dynamic Auctions," Economic Theory, Vol. 3, No. 3, 501-516, July 1993.
- "Common-Value Auctions with Discrete Private Information," Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.54, No.2, 429-447, Aug. 1991.
- "Optimal Control of State Feedback of Linear Systems of Discrete-time," (with Chen Yougen) Control Theory and Applications, Vol.5, No.1, March 1988 (in Chinese).