Multiple Testing and the Distributional Effects of Accountability Incentives in Education (with Vincent Pohl and Kyungchul Song) forthcoming at the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
The bigger picture: Are analytics and social media data the best way to predict movie success? (w/ Tian Xie) forthcoming at Management Science.
Does High Frequency Social Media Data Improve Forecasts of Low Frequency Consumer Confidence Measures? (with Tian Xie and Tao Zeng) forthcoming in the Journal of Financial Econometrics.
How Do NYPD Officers Respond to Terror Threats? (with L-P. Lepage) Economica, Volume 87 Issue 347, July 2020, 638-661.
How skills and parental valuation of education influence human capital acquisition and early labor market return to human capital in Canada (with Mike Kottelenberg) Journal of Labor Economics Volume 37, Issue s2, July 2019, S735-S778.
Gene discovery and polygenic prediction from a 1.1-million-person GWAS of educational attainment (with J.J. Lee, R. Wedow, A. Okbay, E. Kong, ..., P. Turley, P.M. Visscher, D. J. Benjamin and D. Cesarini) Nature Genetics Volume 50, Issue 8, August 2018, 1112-1121.
Does Quebec's Subsidized Child Care Policy Give Boys and Girls an Equal Start? (with Michael Kottelenberg) Canadian Journal of Economics Volume 51, Issue 2, May 2018, 627-659.
Box Office Buzz: Does Social Media Data Steal the Show from Model Uncertainty When Forecasting for Hollywood (with Tian Xie) Review of Economics and Statistics Volume 99, Issue 5, December 2017, 749-755
Targeted or universal coverage? Assessing heterogeneity in the effects of universal childcare (with Michael Kottelenberg) Journal of Labor Economics Volume 35, Issue 3, July 2017, 609-653 (lead article).
Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with educational attainment (with A. Okbay, J.P. Beauchamp, M.A. Fontana, J.J. Lee, T.H. Pers, C.A. Rietveld, P. Turley ,..., P.M. Visscher, T. Esko, P.D. Koellinger, D. Cesarini, D.J. Benjamin) Nature, 533, 539–542, (26 May 2016)
Bargaining and Reputation: Experimental Evidence on Bargaining in the Presence of Irrational Types (with Matthew Embrey and Guillaume Frechette) Review of Economic Studies Volume 82, Issue 2, April 2015, 608-631.
Cohort of birth modifies the association between FTO genotype and BMI (with N. Rosenquist, J. O’Malley, A. Zavalsky, J. Smoller and N. Christakis) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 112, Number 2, January 13, 2015, 354-359.
Further publications are listed in his CV and available for download off Prof. Lehrer’s personal website.