I am currently the Scholar in Financial Services and Monetary Policy at the CD Howe Institute and a member of the Institute's National Council.
My research has been supported by the Social Sciences and Human Resources Council of Canada and the Bank of Canada's Governor's Award.
My research has been covered in The Globe and Mail, The National Post, CBC, CTV, Bloomberg and The Economist.
I have received compensation for consulting, research, teaching or speaking engagements from the following institutions:
Bank of Canada
Canadian Finance & Leasing Association
CD Howe Institute
Center for Economic Studies (LMU Munich)
Deutsche Bundesbank
European Central Bank
European Banking Authority
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
Florence School of Banking and Finance
Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi
Interamerican Development Bank
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Universität Basel
I am an Associate Editor of the Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures.