
Scroll down below the list of seminars offered and complete the short form to indicate your first and second choices.

Term: Fall

ECON 484 F: Inequality, Markets and Regulation

Instructor: Mons Chan
Term: Fall
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

This seminar course will focus on topics related to inequality, competition, market power and regulation. Each student will be required to research and write a major paper, present it in class, and participate in general discussion of the presentations.

ECON 492 F: Economic Catastrophes

Instructor: Frank Milne
Term: Fall
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

This seminar will explore the history and causes of various social and economic catastrophes. They can impact the whole world, a country, a region or a large company. Lack of government and private sector preparation can lead to devastating economic and social costs. We will explore some policy frameworks that can help prepare a society for catastrophes, reducing the social, economic and financial costs. This is a fascinating policy topic that is evolving fast.

ECON 494 F: Environmental and Climate Policies

Instructor: Seyedmajid Hashemi
Term: Fall
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

This seminar focuses on the economic evaluation of environmental and climate policies in Canada and other countries worldwide. The learning objectives are (i) applying economic theory to real-world challenges through hands-on case studies and (ii) improving communication skills.

Term: Winter

ECON 483 W: Seminar in Microeconomics (Health).

Instructor: Ugurhan Berkok
Term: Winter
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

Healthcare provision emerges under mixed and regulated systems. The course examines the institutional and organizational aspects of the health care systems with an eye to policy-making. Since healthcare is largely a private good, economic analysis would then prescribe private provision on efficiency grounds. Mostly on equity grounds but also due to informational problems potentially causing market failures in insurance, the case for public intervention proves strong.

ECON 491 W: Seminar in Macroeconomics.

Instructor: Mike Kennedy
Term: Winter
Not scheduled yet
Summary (click on title for more info)

The world economy in 2008-09 experienced its most severe recession since the Second World War. More recently, the corona virus and the ensuing need to respond to it have also severely disrupted the world economy. These events have presented the economics profession with a number of unprecedented challenges.